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webtech Magento a simple guide for developers A simple Magento guide for the MVC framework, EAV data model structure, attributes table and how to setup and modify functions catalog, orders, quotes etc. by Vasilis Vontikakis
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webtech Yarn vs npm and a simple intro installing Tensorflow for Machine Learning 2019 Package managers like npm and yarn are very important so you manage effectively 3rd parties software by Vasilis Vontikakis
marketing What is a customer journey; How create a map for your customers A customer journey to the number of interactions an individual has with your business. It's part of your branding. by Vasilis Vontikakis
ecommerce How to use product data feeds to create Facebook Dynamic Ads and Google Shopping Ads Do you make of ecommerce product data feed in your online business? Publishing your catalog to marketplaces and ads networks will grow your business. by Vasilis Vontikakis
ecommerce How to reduce friction in checkout page Doer your visitors navigate to your e-commerce store but they do not convert to clients? Small changes in content and usability could improve your numbers. by Vasilis Vontikakis
ecommerce The essential checklist on starting an online store Starting an online store with an e-commerce website builder it's easy. Check the payment gateway, product feeds, content and you are online. by Vasilis Vontikakis
webtech How to double your website traffic by optimizing JS and CSS assets with GulpJS gulp js is a task runner for managing assets like js and css files. Tasks like Above fold content and combining assets to one file are easy to do. by Vasilis Vontikakis
finance How to calculate break even point for multiple products An easy way to calculate breakeven-point for multiple products, an important measure for financial analysis and managerial accounting by Vasilis Vontikakis
webtech Solidity language to create Smart Contracts Ethereum a blockchain for running apps has it's own language called solidity using it, you can create smart contracts like ICOs. by Vasilis Vontikakis
webtech Working with webhooks in development an easy way to work with webhooks , during the development of web applications this by making your localhost machine public to internet through an http tunnel by Vasilis Vontikakis