When you manage an online store an important function is to export product catalog data in different data formats. These data formats could be files or data streams, including product basic information. Each data stream for each product could include description, prices, availability, etc. You could publish your catalog to many channels Ads platforms and Marketplaces.
Also importing your feed on Facebook you could start running Facebook dynamics ads. These types of dynamic ads have a higher degree of relevance to the user and as a result higher CTR.
Facebook product data feed for Dynamic Ads
Let's take an example of how we will import our catalog data on Facebook. The simplest way is to go directly to the facebook.com/products which is facebook catalog manager. Pressing New catalog we import our data feed to Facebook, it accepts four types of formats, they are RSS XML, atom XML, CSV, tcsv. These feeds can be uploaded manually or generated daily in a specific link to your online store.
The content of such files should be accurate and well defined. If there is any problem or missing info on some items like the brand or mpn code this item will not be accepted during the import process. A tool to test and validate feed's content is the debug tool
There are some necessary fields also some others are optional, but one very important is the category of each item which should follow Google's product taxonomy. Facebook and Instagram it's a perfect channels for retail e-commerce.
Google Merchant Center for Search Marketing
Another platform that you can import product data feed is google merchant center. Two reasons are the following first one is to publish in google shopping and the second one is for dynamic retargeting ads. Google Shopping is not currently available in all countries but dynamic retargeting is, through your AdWords account can associate a campaign with a feed from your merchant center account.
So prices, photos can appear in the display network and a user can see again products that have previously visited on your e-commerce store while browsing other favorite websites that running google ads.